Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mary's Birthday!!

Mary is 4 years old!!! I can not believe how fast the time has gone by, she has grown up way to fast. Mary has been such an amazing daughter, she can always make me smile. Some of her favorite things right now are, playing with her "hard" animals, jumping on the tramp, playing in the dirt, anything with paint and she loves wrestling with her brother. She definitely keeps me on my toes..... but I could not imagine her any other way. She has brought so much joy and adventure into our life's, I know without a doubt that she was meant to be my daughter and Will's sister. We love you Mary!!

My mom came over and made birthday crowns with balloons. Mary was not holding still long enough to get a picture, but Will was loving it. We went to Kangaroo Zoo, Mary loves that place and then we came home and had pizza and cake.

Mary in her Smokey Bear T-Shirt. She has beautiful big brown eyes!

Mary and daddy

Mary 1yr old

Mary, June, 10, 2005. She weighed 8lbs 4oz. She was so cute, I loved her big cheeks and dark hair!

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Ludvigson Family said...

Happy Birthday Mary! I am so sad we missed it. We will have to have another party when we come in a couple of weeks! Par-Tay! You are such a cute girl, I can't believe how long your hair is getting, absolutely beautiful! Love and miss you! JoJo

pat parsons said...

Happy Birthday Mary. You are so beautiful. Papa & I sure miss you. Seems like Grandkids grow up even faster than Our kids did. Mom & Dad hold these days close. Time has wings and swiftly flys. LOVE YOU MARY. Grandma Pat & Papa