Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mary's Trip to the ER!!!!

Mary came and told me she ate some magnets, she said she ate 5. I called poison control and they sent me straight to the ER at American Fork Hospital. They took some X-rays and I about died, she had ate 15 of these little magnets!!! You can she them in the X-ray all lined up!! She ended up at Primary Children's Hospital to have them removed. We were pretty nervous, they had to put her totally out and retrieve them through her throat. We were so lucky the doctor was able to get them all out!!! Mary, Mary, Mary!!

Yes, that long line in the middle is the magnets!!!
This is a picture of the magnets that they removed, they had already turned black.
Today Mary said, "Mom I won't eat magnets any more... they are not very tasty!"


Ludvigson Family said...

Oh Mary, Mary, Mary what a scare that was! I am just so glad she told you she swallowed them. That could have been REALY bad! I am so relieved everything "came out" o.k. That is defenitely one for the scrapbooks! Whew.

ps I love her face in the picture with the x-ray. So funny!jrv

Lacey Bean said...

What is next??? Mary is always doing something, you have your hands full with just Mary. She is hilarious, but that is scary. I am so glad she is ok, and atleast she told you that she swallowed them, thatis all quite the event,

Rachel said...

OH MY GOSH! 15 magnets???? That is so scary. I can totally see my little Halle doing that. I'm glad they were able to get them all out.

Vigoren Family said...

Holy moly! Wow is she lucky that they didn't attempt to move into her intestines. Who would have thought that magnets could be such a temptation? Her picture is pretty darn funny, though! What a funny girl!

pat parsons said...

Mary, you had Grandma & Papa so worried. Your picture is pretty cute. I am so glad you told your Mom. The good Lord was watching out for you Mary. Hugs & Kisses. Grandma Pat & Papa.

astowers said...

Cami, I'm sorry to hear that you had such an eventful time. I'm glad that they were able to get them all out and that Mary is okay. Thank goodness she told you she had swallowed them.

Angela said...

Cami, my mom told me about your blog. I loved seeing your family. I can't remember the last time I saw you. Anyway, my blog is I have a link to Becky's blog on mine, if you haven't already seen it. That is scary about the magnets. Glad they got them all out. Cute family.

Tiffany said...

Yikes! I'm glad she's okay!

Dustan and Micayla said... Okay Cami here is the website with some really cute "potty" checkoff lists--enjoy!

Elissa said...

Holy Cow!!! Oh little Mary just loves to keep her mommy on her toes! Good to hear she's okay though! Wow Cami never a dull moment huh?!?

brooklyn said...

oh my goodness! that is so scary (and a little funny). why do kids do that kind of thing?! what an adventure!

at least she's still adorable!

oh, and so glad will is off of the oxygen!

Emily said...

how crazy! I'm so glad she's okay! And HURRAY for no more Oxygen!!